a user Samsung Galaxy ' S are dylan kershaw, a student in dublin, ireland. Confides that smartphone that just he buy burned without cause.
He told me that the Galaxy S III was laid in the dock as he was driving the car. Position of the Galaxy S III is not in charge. Suddenly there was an explosion sound and fire came out. Seen that Material in plastic parts scorched and melted underneath MicroUSB. Smartphones can still be operated, but could not catch the signal. After the incident, Dylan S Kershaw publish photos of Galaxy III burning it onto site www.boards.ie.
See publication, the Samsung immediately react. “There is an online publication featuring the latest picture of Samsung Galaxy S III seems to be overheating and damage on the bottom. Samsung is aware of this issue and investigate immediately once we receive the product” written in his official party Samsung blog.
Until now unknown what causes the
Galaxy S 3 Burned. the possibility of such experienced overheating smartphone.